"Once the principle of movement has been supplied, one thing follows on after another without interruption"



Wing Chun was designed as a military science. It is fast, efficient, and deadly. The techniques utilize body mechanics, physics, coordination and distance control; rather than muscle. This serves as the equalizer, regardless of size or strength. 





Historically, there were 7 principles kept in mind while employing the Wing Chun System on the battlefield, anything less then perfect should be considered an artistic expression.



1. Must allow use of all natural weapons

(all elements of the body should be considered potential tools)


2. Reality demands efficiency


3. It must be logical to learn and easily retained


4. Every action must be lethal in its deployment


5. Must enable the user to survive in the face of a numerically superior enemy


6. Must provide reactional combat speed, instead of eye-brain dominated speed


7. The outcome must be consistently predictable and repeatable  



Wing Chun Applications by Master Wong


Jim Fung (Ip Man Lineage)- Great examples of structure and short power

Wang Zhi Peng

“The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you.”

- Stephanie Perkins




By appointment only


Now offering Private, Semi- Private, And Group Lessons offered:












